Why Dog Training Doesn’t Work

Did you know that Beaufort Dog is owned by a Behaviorist? Training is what got Beaufort Dog its start. Below is the latest article from Kelley Blackston, who with her husband, Jason Blackston, own and operate the business.

If you have never taken a training class at Beaufort Dog, you have missed a treat. It is chopped full of fun, informational dog psychology.  Dogs of any age or background will find it beneficial. Yes, even if you have taken training elsewhere in the past! If you don’t believe us, ask one of our graduates.

Better yet, give us a call at 812-5394 or use the contact us page to reserve your spot in a class.

Why Dog Training Does Not Work


This is the season for animal abandonment at shelters and rescues county wide. Owners are getting busy with Spring and Summer activities and don’t have time for their four legged responsibilities. Dogs, especially, begin needing behavior training and owners are at a loss for quality help that lasts.

The main problem with general dog training is that most “sessions” teach the dog what not to do: jump, dig, bark, chew, etc. and can be quite successful for awhile, but the dog gets frustrated and reverts back to his prior behavior. Without identifying the cause, and more importantly, replacing the behavior, your dog will always revert back.

Not only must we replace the behavior, we must ensure that the dog be able to get and initiate attention on his own, not by the owner or passerby. This will ensure that the dog gets his basic needs met, while pleasing his owner.

The secondary problem with most training, is that is does not involve “real world” scenarios. Private training is difficult because of the lack of distraction. Inside training is unrealistic and does not translate well to outside situations, like walking on a leash.

A third, but still very important factor is that a dog cannot think and react unless they are well exercised and on a decent diet. Your trainer must
be able to offer an outlet for energy prior to training as well as nutritional information unique to each dog and his needs.

During this “abandonment season”, we encourage you to find a dog training group class that

1.addresses both problem behaviors and replacement behaviors

2.offers group classes both inside and outside with “real world” distractions

3.trains with positive reinforcement for a well-motivated pooch

For more information, class schedules and more training tips give us a call at 812-5394 or use the contact us page to reach us.

Thanks for your support and have a great day,
